
home fitness equipment, blue fitness equipment, portable fitness equipment

Stroke Rehabilitation




Leg and Foot Massage

home office, workstation, office

Online Service

traditional chinese, massage, techniques

Combination Treatment

pregnant woman, pregnancy, belly

Maternity Massage and Reflexology


Sinus Treatment with neck and shoulders

Treatment Details

Remedial Massage

My treatments include Swedish Massage and Remedial Massage and are consistently tailored to the individual, having assessed your situation, the muscles and tissues that need focus, and how the techniques and pressure should be adapted.

Swedish Massage can be used in situations where muscle tension is more superficial and a client is in need of deep relaxation. Many of the techniques are also employed in Remedial Massage which focusses on specific problem areas but can also be given as a gentle light treatment, concentrating on the superficial muscles. This would be appropriate in treating patients who are pregnant or where there is injury but a deep massage is not appropriate.

Remedial Deep Tissue Massage focusses on realigning deep muscle layers and connective tissue or fascia. Where you feel chronic muscle tension in the body, there are usually adhesion’s (rigid scar tissue) which are painful and can restrict your body movements and block circulation. Over time they can also encourage bad posture.

As well as trigger point techniques and deep friction therapy, the approach uses classic massage strokes but the movements are much slower and deeper in order to correct the alignment of the muscle fibres. Some discomfort is to be expected when treating chronic muscle tension or adhesions but I am in continuous communication with you to ensure you remain within your comfort zone.

These are some of the conditions for which Remedial Deep Tissue Massage may be appropriate:

  • Tension headaches and migraines
  • Sciatica
  • IT Band Syndrome
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Back pain and tension
  • Swelling (post-surgery, generalised fluid retention, hormonal imbalances)
  • Tennis elbow
  • Sporting injuries
  • Post-surgery
  • Whiplash
  • Frozen shoulder, arthritis, fibromyalgia
  • Muscular atrophy
  • Neuropathy

Please note, the diagnosis and treatment of an injury is the responsibility of your GP or Consultant. If appropriate I will refer you back to your medical practitioner, but I can work alongside these health professionals when appropriate.

If you have any broken skin, it may not be possible to treat that area during your appointment. Please call in advance if you have any concerns regarding this.

This treatment is £60 for 1 hour,     £80 for 1.5 hours,      £95 for 2hours.

relaxation, massage, recovery

Stroke Rehabilitation

No two strokes are the same. Every stroke affects the individual in a deeply personal way. I work to help support patients following ESD (early supported discharge following Hospital and rehabilitation stay) ensuring that support continues with your rehabilitation when community support ends. I provide one-to-one support to clients and families throughout their rehabilitation progression and recovery.  

Neuroplasticity of the brain continues to improve over a number of years, not just the first few months following a stroke. Rehabilitation methods are designed so that the family can assist the work of the therapist throughout the recovery process. This is hard work, but the rewards can be amazing.

My approach is to take a full medical history of the stroke and work out with my patient (and the family) what their goals are likely to be. In addition to therapeutic recovery methods, I find the relevant information the family will need from societies, groups and health professionals. I will also provide access to additional equipment need to aid mobility and rehabilitation exercise equipment to further assist recovery.

An initial 6 – 10 week programme will be devised for steady and sustained recovery. Each programme is tailored to the individual, so not all the elements below will be appropriate to every individual. Whilst it will be necessary to work alongside your other health care professionals during this time, my treatment programme will dovetail and underpin any treatment plan you have already been given. I will not only ensure you are doing the prescribed exercises correctly, but also aim to add to your abilities, so that relevant treatment elements may include exercises to:

  • Increase movement, flexibility and confidence
  • Help improve balance in standing and walking
  • Improve strength and in both upper and lower limbs
  • Reintroduce and regain a full variety of movements and the repetitions designed to reduce spasticity
  • Reintroduce and improve speech and communication skills building on advice given by your speech therapist if you have suffered from dysphasia, (where speech has been impaired), or Dysphagia (where eating and swallowing has been affected following neurological injury)
  • Help re-introduce autonomy and the ability to gain movement and sustainable improvement

 Further resource Dr. Tom Balchin, founder of ARNI.

This treatment is £60 for 1 hour,      £80 for 1.5 hours,      £95 for 2hours.

If this is your first treatment, PLEASE CALL 01823 491 690 AHEAD OF YOUR APPOINTMENT TO ARRANGE AN INITIAL TELEPHONE CONSULTATION. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this.

home fitness equipment, blue fitness equipment, portable fitness equipment


Reflexology is a holistic therapy involving the application of specific types of pressure and manipulation to points and areas located on all parts of the feet. These reflex areas relate to the structures, internal organs and tissues of the body in such a way that the body can be “mapped” onto the feet. Similar principles apply to the hands.

Since the establishment of Reflexology as we know it in the West today, some Reflexologists have added specific principles and techniques from the ancient cultures in which it is thought to have its roots. In my treatments these can include acupressure points (from Traditional Chinese Medicine) and marma points (from Ayurveda). It is also possible to have a complete Ayurvedic Foot Treatment using warm oil.

The overall aim of Reflexology is to ease energy blockages or areas of congestion in the body and promote physical and emotional health and wellbeing. In particular, many have found it beneficial in the following situations (to name but a few):

  • Depleted energy levels
  • Persistent stress, tension and anxiety
  • Management of pain
  • Poor circulation
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Impoverished sleep and insomnia (see Sinus Treatment) 
  • Headaches and migraines (see Sinus Treatment) 
  • Sinus issues (see Sinus Treatment)

For those who are pregnant, Maternity Reflexology can help support expectant mothers deal with minor ailments associated with pregnancy, balance hormonal changes and reassure as the Expected Delivery Date approaches.

This treatment is £60 for 1 hour. 


Leg and Foot Massage

This is a wonderful relief bringing treatment focussing on just the legs and feet that can be done prone (face down) or supine (face up) or both, depending on the patient and their condition. Where patients have restricted movement the treatment can be adapted accordingly. It is particularly beneficial in situations of:

  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Neuropathy in the feet
  • IT Band Syndrome
  • Running and other sporting injuries in the legs, hips and feet
  • Pregnancy (due to the coronavirus pandemic currently these require a GP or consultant’s referral)
  • Leg oedema
  • Post-surgery pain or swelling
  • Sore, tired leg muscles
  • Cellulite (massage improves lymphatic drainage)

The treatment uses a variety of massage techniques and can include skilfully delivered deep tissue work but always with a gentle approach especially at the start of treatments which are always adapted to the individual’s needs and comfort.

This treatment is £60 for 1 hour. 


Online Service

During lockdown because of the coronavirus, many services and appointments were either restricted or stopped, leaving patients without the support they would normally receive. Over lockdown, I have been supporting patients, who are either unable to or who feel safer in their own homes if they are shielding, by offering my new online consultation service.

The service is done via Zoom or Microsoft Teams (online conferencing platforms). A link will be sent to you via email in advance of your appointment. 

I will need to discuss your current situation prior to the first session, so that an appropriate exercise programme that fully supports the current advice being given to you via your health providers, giving you the opportunity to continue to build on your strength, flexibility and rehabilitation. This service ensures your rehabilitation continues, and you progress at a steady pace to suit your individual circumstances.

Initial phone consultation is free, so that I can establish whether this online service is suitable for you. This call will be no longer than 20 minutes. Should you wish to book an online consultation with video, the sessions will be for 1 hour. Where patients need support, it may be appropriate to ask a family member or friend to attend the session.

This service is £60 for 1 hour.

Please call 01823 491690 to enquire further or book your 20-minute initial consultation. 

home office, workstation, office

Combination Treatment

This is a two hour treatment that allows the patient/client to choose which treatments they would like to combine.

For example

  • Back massage – Reflexology
  • Whole body massage – extra time on legs and feet
  • Sinus and face massage – Reflexology
  • Hand and arm massage – foot and leg massage
  • Neck and upper back massage – exercise program

Please add a note on the booking form so that I am made aware of the combination of treatments you would like to have. It is a fixed price and fantastic value. It gives you the opportunity to try out two types of treatment and fully relax.

This treatment is £95 for 2 hours. 

traditional chinese, massage, techniques

Maternity Massage and Reflexology

Reflexology and Massage are increasingly used by pregnant mothers to help promote their well-being during this time and I love supporting them on their pregnancy journey through to the birth and post-natal period. Those who have had regular treatments often believe that they coped better with the ever changing demands on their bodies and emotions, that they had a better birthing experience, and that they recovered faster.

Treatments can begin early in the pregnancy, becoming more frequent as the birth approaches. Whilst these are ideals, it’s often the case that treatments are considered only during later months. However, I like to encourage people to come sooner rather than later, making time for themselves and seeking help in easing niggles and discomforts.

Mothers-to-be may opt for either Reflexology or Massage but I have found that many benefit from combined treatments especially during the third trimester when the extra weight gain places added strain on the lower back and legs.

If the pregnancy goes beyond term there are Reflexology techniques that can be used on the feet and hands to try and prime labour (with the permission of those responsible for your obstetric care). I also have a specific seated technique to work the lower back and sacral area as the birth date approaches and may go beyond.

This treatment is £60 for 1 hour,   or   £95 for 2 hours. 

pregnant woman, pregnancy, belly

Sinus Treatment with Neck and Shoulders Massage

I have developed a treatment which has proved particularly effective for those who have come to me with recurring sinus problems, hayfever and general nasal discomfort. As well as the face and head, the treatment includes the shoulders and neck as it is vital to stimulate the supply of fresh blood to the sinuses and nasal passages, while also assisting drainage of excess mucous and waste metabolites resulting from inflammation associated with these conditions. I may use sonic equipment to enhance the treatment. This treatment has also proved beneficial to clients suffering with migraines and insomnia.

This treatment is £55 for 1 hour.
